Donald Trump

Trump And His Choice of Vice President

May 30, 2024

An excerpt from Rob’s Soapbox – Trump And His Choice of Vice President: Just enjoying a nice day here at […]

The Most Terrifying Aspect of This Election That No One Is Talking About

September 27, 2020

Anyone with sense knows that the upcoming Presidential Election pitting President Donald Trump against former Vice-President Joe Biden is going […]

The Opposing Sides Have Become One Another

August 30, 2020

Friday’s show was vile, yet instructive.   At the end of the program, an emailer astutely made the observation that […]

Goo-Goo. Ga-Ga. Four More Years.

November 3, 2019

In a democracy, even a fake one like America’s, leaders reflect the society. We are a nation of children. Grown […]

Third World Bullsh%&t

February 11, 2018

If you can’t trust the guy who put a bullet into Osama Bin Laden’s head, who can you trust? Rob […]

The Having-To-Explain In Chief

January 14, 2018

Over the first year of the Donald Trump Presidency, many of his supporters have said that if he would just […]