Rob’s Soapbox

It Sucks Being An American In America

July 25, 2021

I’ve touched on this before and shall continue to do so, since so very few people are aware of it, […]

A Dancing Bear, Monkeypox and a Child Felon

July 18, 2021

I’ve got something a little different for you this week; while prepping the upcoming week’s shows, a few stories caught […]

Good News / Bad News

July 11, 2021

One of my mentors and best friends taught me long ago to always lead with the bad news. “Bad news […]

And Speaking Of…

June 20, 2021

July 1st marks the halfway mark for 2021…which in and of itself is noteworthy since a year ago, it felt […]

Stop Saying You Don’t Have A Choice

June 13, 2021

 As America’s most populous state re-opens, it’s a good time for an instructive look at just how stupid, ignorant, […]

America’s Next 9/11

June 6, 2021

We knew 9/11 was coming.   Eight months prior to the attacks of September 11, 2001, something called the Hart-Rudman […]