Some random updates from Williams Manor where it’s already beginning to look a little like Christmas (we may have gone overboard this year…stay tuned)
Yes, Maestro still sits atop the stairs with his favorite ball for anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours before releasing it from his mouth and watching it bound downward…and no, he doesn’t chase it, he just like to watch it bounce
Outside our family room window we have created many monsters with our hummingbird feeders which we have to refill DAILY! Can you count how many are feeding in this shot? (Not counting the stained glass bird, there’s 8…and we’ve had as many as 12 with 3 others circling).
Joel, From Advantage Steam, got us this totally unnecessary but fantastic house-warming gift that we placed over one of our hallway arches. It has the actual coordinates of our house on it! (That’s why it’s blurred…so you maggots don’t get any stupid ideas and find yourselves the dinner of a couple German Shepherds and a Lab)
We mentioned on the show this week that one of the many fantastic things we have are fruit trees galore in the backyard. Oranges should be ready in a few weeks
We have both Lemon and Lime trees (4 total) interwoven with each other which are currently in full bloom. Lots of margaritas this Fall!
Last weekend, our Pomegranite tree produced 60 ready-to-be-picked Poms! 60! In one day! Thank God Dawn’s husband and Brandon’s wife love these things
The piece-de-resistance are the two grapefruit trees currently in the process of getting ready to rain down massive amounts of massive grapefruits upon us
No, seriously, look at all of those things…and the size of them!
My hand is fully under that still not ready to be picked grapefruit
Maybe this gives you a better idea of how big these things are
This has nothing to do with Williams Manor, but I had my physical last week (healthy as a horse, thank you) and found this reminder in the waiting room to be a rather intimidating sign. It looks like the cartoon nurse is going to reach out and inoculate you with or without your consent (I did not, consent, BTW)
From a recent outing of golf, a reminder of nature’s wonder (and my killer photography skills having nothing to do with today’s technology).
Speaking of golf, thanks as always to the Ridge in Auburn for being the official course of RAD RADIO and making sure our personalized golf cart is always ready to go when we’re ready to embarrass ourselves.