The day after Thanksgiving, our friends, Tony and Carolyn, visited for the day and night
This was my reaction when I realized that we had house guests for ANOTHER night!
Fortunately, Tony is an excellent cook and gave me the night off, preparing Porketta (stuffed roasted pork)
Tony is kinda older than me…here I am explaining to him what a cell phone is
I love this picture because it looks like I’m bowing up to Tony saying “you got a problem with that?” which, in real life would ;lead to an laser quick trip to the ER for me
Yes…my wife Christina and I are THAT couple. We have matching Christmas jammies. Shutup
The evening ended with a little pool…
…Some great cigars (and a curious black lab named Scout)…
…And finally, being told the night was over and it was time to go to bed. Fine.
Here’s the picture I was bullied into including after an on-air discussion last year…Saturday after Thanksgiving was our exhaustion day of doing nothing, ending with Scout and me curled up together on the sofa.
Maestro, meanwhile, has adopted this as one of is new actual sleeping positions. Weird dog
And yes, sweet Nellie is still alive and well and as sweet as ever
There was some concern after the Thanksgiving day photos were posted that Santa had no effectively puked inside Williams Manor, so I have spent the last many days fixing that.
Wrapping some lit garland around the wine bottles was Christina’s idea, which I thought was dumb, until I did it…
The Fireplace was adorned with our stocking and such, of course
Even the dogs’ various kennels got decorated!
And the staircase leading to the garage, of course has to be lit for safety purposes!
Once the stairwells were wrapped with garland and properly decorated, Santa was basically done puking
I know what you’re wondering and we haven’t gotten the power bill yet
And then came this little sneaky gem…Robert and Janeen from the Smoke Junction Café found a loop hole in the Williams’ no-gift policy and this card arrived with a gorgeous gift basket
And this wasn’t just any gift basket…Janeen assembled it piece by piece after stalking our home on Thanksgiving and finding stuff to match our décor. It was amazingly thoughtful
The blanket she included is amazing…softer than the inside of a rabbit’s hoo-hoo. And don’t ask me how I know that
In the end, we did a little outdoor decorating in the BACK yard since we can see and enjoy it from inside the house
The random assortment of colorful decorations look great shimmering off the pool at night
Our giant palm tree acts as our oversized Christmas tree with presents! That’s it, no more!