Rob’s Soapbox

The Most Selfish People Of Them All

March 9, 2015

Jillian Jacobson, 31, taught photography at El Dorado High School in Placentia, California. She was a very popular and well-liked […]

Try Being Un-Cool

March 2, 2015

I’m reading a fantastic book right now about how being cool is so not cool. I’d bore you with the […]

Amy Schumer Is Fat

February 16, 2015

A manufactured controversy emerged this weekend which speaks volumes about our idiotic society and cannot be ignored. There is a […]

Stay Out Of The Bushes

February 2, 2015

During the 2000 Democratic Convention, Reverend Jesse Jackson (who then had a little more national credibility than he and his […]

The Rolex Experiment

January 26, 2015

I actually wrote this column weeks ago and have been saving it for the right moment. Right moment defined as […]

We’ve Been Depped

January 19, 2015

What a weekend. Hell, what a day. In the span of five hours last Friday, through the prism of pop […]