Rob’s Soapbox

Subjective Truth

April 26, 2015

At least someone has finally said aloud what we’ve known for years now while observing the complete moral decay of […]

One Decision

April 19, 2015

Last week we discussed, as it relates to the Planet Earth, the insignificance of man. This remains true in the […]

The Greatest Hoax Ever

April 12, 2015

If history is an honest broker of the truth, there will someday be written a tome which expresses definitively that […]

Solving Problems That Don’t Exist

March 29, 2015

It’s what we do; there is almost nothing more American than over-reacting to a non-existent problem, throwing billions of dollars […]

An Open Letter To The Verklempt

March 22, 2015

Little in life is as frustrating as realizing that what you like is not what most other people like. Sometimes […]

Those Wacky Millennials

March 15, 2015

Very few things bother me as much as generalizations and dismissive stereotypes. Hearing a story about government overreach and attributing […]