
The America You Deserve

March 7, 2016

For years, xenophobic Americans have made themselves feel better about other countries by spouting a form of the phrase “a […]

The Darker Side Of Society

February 28, 2016

I was “out-on-the-town,” Friday night and met literally dozens of listeners and took tons of pictures and had great conversations […]

When Maggots Become Butterflies? Or… My Favorite Email Ever Received

February 21, 2016

A few notes to begin; You have every right to accuse me of this being one of the laziest soapboxes […]

The Storm Is Coming…

February 15, 2016

It’s always fascinating when movies or TV shows mimic or predict real life. I always use the examples of “House […]

Redefining Greatness In America

January 31, 2016

As we stumble our way through two of the most boring weeks of the year for anyone remotely interested in […]

The Silent, Scary, Future Of America

January 24, 2016

It is not news to anyone that pays any attention that college campuses in America are politically correct cesspools where […]