You’ve heard us giveaway gift cards to …well, we’re here!
My wife, Christina arrived wrapped in Lidocaine (as instructed) and ready to be lasered
This is the wrist tattoo she no longer likes and wants removed
After a quick meeting with GM Jammie to go over a few things, it was time to start
We were literally there for about 30 minutes total. First thing, she ices the area
And since she’s also getting a stomach tattoo removed, I got to shove some ice down her pants
And then, looking like some deformed Michelin Man, it’s time to wait (and pout) for 15 minutes while the ice numbs things up
While we waited, we noticed this cool wall plaque commemorating an event InkOff.Me participated in to help those released from prison to remove their ink and rejoin society without the scarlett letters!
Before we start everyone has to wear these fashionable laser-proof glasses
Yes, everyone has to wear them
Nurse Rachel is ready to start…and yes, she’s literally a nurse with over 20 years-experience including the ICU…super knowledgeable and nice, too
They have stress balls available to those who want to take out their frustration from the alleged pain
Now, here’s the thing…they prepared Christina for the laser to feel like “hot bacon grease,” being poured on her.
And she has a few friends who have had tattoos removed who all told her how painful it was going to be…
And when you’ve been pre-conditioned for pain…
…sometimes the first thing you feel makes you react as though all of the warnings are true
And sometimes if you add in a little drama, it gets even worse in your expressions
Until things reach the peak of ridiculousness
Until you suddenly realize, it barely hurts. It was just the initial sensation on her wrist. Her stomach lasted more than a minute and she was fine…only about 10 more visits to go and those tattoos will be gone…and then she can start on new ones…elllllooooo