Last weekend my hubby and I went to Placer Farm Bureau’s Harvest Hoedown, an amazing fundraiser for FFA, 4-H and Young Famers and Ranchers. It was such a great night! Besides lots of money that was raised for our Youth in Ag, my second favorite part of the night was at the beginning our National Anthem was sung beautifully and that was followed by a Prayer. It was my kind of fundraising event… National Anthem, Prayer, lots of money raised for our Future Farmers and a room full of down home Cowboy folks…Americana at it’s finest!!
Some of my favorite symbols!!
Some of my favorite symbols!!
Rob was so nice to donate a RAD Food Basket for the silent auciotn…thanks Rob for always supporting Youth in Ag!
Longhorn Meat Co is a HUGE supporter of Youth in Ag, they bought a table for the event and Gary and I got to sit at their table…love you guys at Longhorn!!
Well yes of course there was a live Country Band…duh! They were actually really good!
Well yes of course there was a live Country Band…duh! They were actually really good!
My close friends Lexie and Lara with the band!! The Buck Ford Band!
Awwww my favorite person in the whole world, Gary!!
Gary and I with our good friends Ashely(from Longhorn Meats) and her hubby Darron hanging out having a great time!
Gary and I with our good friends Ashely(from Longhorn Meats) and her hubby Darron hanging out having a great time!
Lara!! One of my close girlfriends! She is the Executive Director for Placer Farm Bureau, they put on an amazing Hoedown!!
Gary and I with our close friend Lexie and one of her friends, both gals are part of Young Farmers and Ranchers…amazing auction item in her hand!!!
Gary and I with our close friend Lexie and one of her friends, both gals are part of Young Farmers and Ranchers…amazing auction item in her hand!!!