Live Life

Live Life

If there is one thing to realize and the sooner the better, its LIVE LIFE. Its so damn cliche but dang it its true. Most don’t learn to do this until they start aging, or they are told they only a certain amount of time left to live due to illness. Living life doesn’t mean everyday is this huge adventure and all you do is have fun. Yes of course fun and adventure are apart of living life but so is the day to day. But living in each day. Not living in the regrets of yesterday or living in the thoughts of the future. Life happens in our everyday moments. Not the would of, could of or should of’s.

Oh dear lord 3 BIGGEST time wasters…Would of’s, Could of’s and Should of’s. Its not that we aren’t to learn from our mistakes, we are, its not that we don’t say “I should have, or could have or would have”, we do say those things but its when you sit and marinate in it, once you have learned the lesson, we need to MOVE ON and NOT dwell in those 3 time wasters. Thats all they do is waste your precious time, keep you living in the past, instead of living right now in this moment.

Living in the past and living in the future is NOT living. You will completely miss your life if you live the past or in the future. STOP IT. Life is messy, life is a roller coaster ride, life is not perfect and neither are you, perfection doesn’t exist. But life does, so live it.

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