The RAD Prodcast

Episode 72 – RAD Prodcast – Back From Spring Break, Avengers Endgame & Dyer Lane Investigation Teaser

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The Brandon’s return from Spring Break after attending their best friend’s wedding in Live Oak, CA.

While it wasn’t all sunbathing and umbrella drinks during vacation, the majority of it was spent caring for sick animals and work around the house. This leads to the discussion about how far pet owners are willing to go to keep their pets alive or keeping our pets around longer for selfish reasons.

Brandon enjoys spoiling Avengers Endgame for Mrs Brandon since she was unable to go see it with him due to the sick animals.

The Dyer Lane paranormal investigation takes place in next week’s episode and the Brandon’s tease the origin for the interest to dive deeper and do a paranormal investigation of their own. Of course, we will have Melissa & Brent from Sac SPIRIT along the way, and possibly a guest medium as well.

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