Rob’s Soapbox

What Else?

May 31, 2021

Let us start with this premise; we must acknowledge that almost everyone loves to reflect longingly on “better times;” it’s […]

Father Time Is Losing His Touch

May 23, 2021

When it comes to mortality, and specifically, the understanding that we all, eventually, must recognize our limitations, I’ve always said […]

Un-Masking The Masked

May 16, 2021

What a week…the liars, drama queens, look-at-me crowd, and control freaks were all exposed in less than 48 hours and […]

What Is That?!?!

May 9, 2021

I woke up early Sunday morning, stumbled downstairs to our bar fridge to grab a sparkling water and reached into […]

America Is Not A Racist Country

May 2, 2021

A massive Cultural war erupted last week, yet again, on the topic of race, all because someone of prominence had […]

The Green New Reality

April 25, 2021

A massive shift towards alternative and renewable energy is coming, and we all need to acknowledge that and shift the […]