The weekend started innocently enough at Williams Manor with Black Lab Scout texting me a picture of himself and declaring he was now a LAB-urrioto. Get? Laburrito? A Lab wrapped up like a buritto? Get it?
On Saturday my wife and I explored each other’s odd food cravings, starting with her need for a PB &J with a twist
And here’s the twist…you pour maple syrup onto the Peanut butter?
Meanwhile, for lunch, I had pasta with fried eggs. Surprisingly good and creamy
And then came a visit with friends including, of course, Dawn, our friend Carolyn, and my wife Christina…or as we’ll call them moving forward, “the sobers”
After an amazing dinner, Gary (Dawn’s husband) our friend Tony (Carolyn’s husband), and I started opening and tasting amazing scotches which eventually led us back to the dining room table to begin making fools of ourselves
In this time lapse you can actually see me de-composing as a human being via laughter
Aaaannnnddddd…I’m dead
And now my face hurts
Here we have Gary licking spilled whiskey off of his hands as we’re all just done
Gary can’t stop laughing
Eventually, of course, you have to do the group drunk photos so here we are
Nothing says “Gary is drunk,” quite like this open mouthed photo
We know the quality isn’t the best, but we thought the videos were such a fun “behind the scenes” look at our social lives, we decided to post them anyway. Hope you enjoy
While the pics are funny…the videos are even better. And the only reason we began taking videos was because one of the ladies asked why I made the nest martini’s ever and my wife, in a moment of raw honesty said “because Rob is better than everyone at everything,” to which I demanded we get that recorded and led to this disastrous exchange
From there, things disintegrated further into the man hugs
I’ve seen Gary drunk, but never this drunk…
Once Gary spilled something (which led to him licking the table, his hand, and Tony’s hand), we had reached the end…
The next day was a day of rest for the manor, including the dogs who were up with us until 2AM and, as demonstrated in this shot of Scout of Maestro, meant for a day of full on rest
Even my wife, Christina, made it a day of rest trying to recover from yet another amazing night of friends and fun