Save this photo…it’s a collector’s item. One of the few times you’ll ever see me in a face covering, and it was only for this picture since from SAC to Texas and everywhere in between there is literally NO enforcement of these dopey policies
The hypocritical lunacy was endless during our weekend trip…here, my wife Christina uses a pen that has been sitting out and touched by God knows how many hands prior.
But hey, as long as we leave 4 suitcases distance between us and anyone else, we’ll all be safe…until we get on a plane seated 2 feet from one another
As we boarded, we were all handed this lovely bag of water, wipes and a package of cookies. Good times
Remember…as long as food is around, Covid isn’t…that’s why you don’t need to wear a mask when eating. So, we just ordered food to go from the airport restaurant and enjoyed the boarding process maskless (as did almost everyone, BTW)
WHAT? I’m eating! I have a push-pop in my mouth (as I did almost the entire flight) so no need for a face covering. Are you feeling dumber yet?
Flying first class is as glamorous as ever! A pre-packaged horrible chicken sandwich was our lunch…but hey, as long as the food sat in front of us, no need for those precious face coverings!
Do I know how to show a girl a good time or what?
The one great thing about first class is the endless liquor…and since we’re “drinking”….you guessed it, no need for a mask! Ironically, on planes, food doesn’t need to accompany liquor like it does in bars and restaurants. You can just drink without a mask. The idiocracy never ends
I think we all know why I took this picture
We have arrived at the hotel and thank God…the remote control is in an unsealed plastic covering to protect us from Covid
And, for our safety, of course, no pillows on the sofa that could possibly transmit the virus that, according to the CDC is not harmful to 99.28% of all people under the age of 50 without underlying conditions.
Umm…no one followed this “rule”
This is the Ritz Carlton in downtown Dallas on Columbus Day weekend Saturday at 3pm…absolutely dead
Not a car or person to be seen…so sad
We did make time for the most important thing when traveling to Texas…BBQ! Door Dashed right to our hotel room
The other reason, besides BBQ, that we went to Texas was for my sister-in-law’s wedding. If you look closely, screen right behind the plant, you’ll see Christina
We actually felt like adults for the first time in 7 months…getting dressed up with an actual place to go!