What do you do when you go through 3 forced blackouts in less than 2 weeks at the hands of PG&E…you do what you should have done in the first place and start to stock up on things like lighters, flashlights, candles and more
But wait, there’s more! As any good American family, my wife and I totally over reacted and also scooped up a survival backpack
Inside the backpack, we have such helpful things as flares, water pouches, and “food” that will be good until the year 2884
Also, if we want to take up pyromania, we’re all set
But wait, there’s more! This in no way applies to blackouts, but if we need portable on the go “toilets” we now have those too
The overkill continues with a first aid kit fit for the battlefield
And goodness knows that a tent, compass and saw are going to be a huge help the next time PG&E shuts down our power
Enter my personal electrician, Vito, a fellow maggot who owns Evolution electric…he’s an amazing guy and has been on my team for over a year now and has never let me down. He’s got the answers, and he’ll get them for you too! (and no, he’s not paying me to say this, he’s the real deal) https://evolutionelectricincorporated.com/
With the power coming and going and the temps dropping, our Lab, Scout curled up into the smallest ball we’d ever seen
And because he is the most spoiled dog ever (even more than our other 3) he was covered with the undefeated blanket of the household
After a while, he got warm and decided to head down to the floor, but just like the relentless defense of the 49ers, the blanket followed and piled on him like he was Jared Goff
Bored out of our minds without power, my wife and I set up our new Iphones and made our me-moji’s…this looks nothing like me!
Look at this! I look like a baby wearing earrings
Meanwhile, my wife Christina’s looks just like her! I think the new I-phone is racist against whites
Speaking of my wife, we’re both so thankful to finally be recognized with the interracial couple emoji. We have arrived. What a day