Bishops Pumpkin Patch time!! Each parking isle has a cute animal type theme… we got Tippy Road! My cousin Alice who teaches Ag and her husband Jon who is a Rice Farmer and their two boys met myself and our godkids out there for the day, my hubby Gary was in Texas working, he wasn’t too bummed tho that he missed it!!! ha!!
Usually we get the pumpkins last but this time we thought why not do it first put em in the car and then the kiddos can just go and play all day…our godson Dylan loved using his knife to cut the stems from the pumpkins he wanted…such a boy!
Usually we get the pumpkins last but this time we thought why not do it first put em in the car and then the kiddos can just go and play all day…our godson Dylan loved using his knife to cut the stems from the pumpkins he wanted…such a boy!
Usually we get the pumpkins last but this time we thought why not do it first put em in the car and then the kiddos can just go and play all day…our godson Dylan loved using his knife to cut the stems from the pumpkins he wanted…such a boy!
Usually we get the pumpkins last but this time we thought why not do it first put em in the car and then the kiddos can just go and play all day…our godson Dylan loved using his knife to cut the stems from the pumpkins he wanted…such a boy!
Usually we get the pumpkins last but this time we thought why not do it first put em in the car and then the kiddos can just go and play all day…our godson Dylan loved using his knife to cut the stems from the pumpkins he wanted…such a boy!
Usually we get the pumpkins last but this time we thought why not do it first put em in the car and then the kiddos can just go and play all day…our godson Dylan loved using his knife to cut the stems from the pumpkins he wanted…such a boy!
Now it’s off to the Pig Races!! Little piggies are SO freaken adorable love them!!! All the pig names are so cute like Sponghog Squarepig!!
Now it’s off to the Pig Races!! Little piggies are SO freaken adorable love them!!! All the pig names are so cute like Sponghog Squarepig!!
Now it’s off to the Pig Races!! Little piggies are SO freaken adorable love them!!! All the pig names are so cute like Sponghog Squarepig!!
Now it’s off to the Pig Races!! Little piggies are SO freaken adorable love them!!! All the pig names are so cute like Sponghog Squarepig!!
Now it’s off to the Pig Races!! Little piggies are SO freaken adorable love them!!! All the pig names are so cute like Sponghog Squarepig!!
Now it’s off to the Pig Races!! Little piggies are SO freaken adorable love them!!! All the pig names are so cute like Sponghog Squarepig!!
Gotta get in the Zip line and the Corn maze, the boys enjoyed taking corn stalks and hitting each other with them!! And yes they left marks on each other!
Gotta get in the Zip line and the Corn maze, the boys enjoyed taking corn stalks and hitting each other with them!! And yes they left marks on each other!
Thought I would just throw these in for you! one of our Sheep, Buck needed to get his balls chopped off, this is the blood from that procedure…he is doing great tho eating and being happy…I mean as happy as a male can be with no balls!!!
Thought I would just throw these in for you! one of our Sheep, Buck needed to get his balls chopped off, this is the blood from that procedure…he is doing great tho eating and being happy…I mean as happy as a male can be with no balls!!!