Rob’s birthday is this Sunday…woot woot!! So of course I baked some goodies for him, while Baking I watched a bunch of episodes of Ozark..SO good!!
For those of you that think I buy the baked good premade…see..see…see I have all the ingredients to make shit gosh dang it! Lol!
Some cute Birthday decorations for the cookies and cupcakes
One mixer for the cupcakes and the other for the cookies!
Cookie dough for my Brown Sugar cookies, Rob loves these cookies, I’d share the recipe but it’s my own recipe I came up with and someday maybe I’d like to sell these cookies on the weekends at like Farmer’s Markets!
Cookie dough for my Brown Sugar cookies, Rob loves these cookies, I’d share the recipe but it’s my own recipe I came up with and someday maybe I’d like to sell these cookies on the weekends at like Farmer’s Markets!
Cookie dough for my Brown Sugar cookies, Rob loves these cookies, I’d share the recipe but it’s my own recipe I came up with and someday maybe I’d like to sell these cookies on the weekends at like Farmer’s Markets!
Cookie dough for my Brown Sugar cookies, Rob loves these cookies, I’d share the recipe but it’s my own recipe I came up with and someday maybe I’d like to sell these cookies on the weekends at like Farmer’s Markets!
Yummy Vanilla cupcakes! I stuffed them with white chocolate and frosting!
Yummy Vanilla cupcakes! I stuffed them with white chocolate and frosting!
Yummy Vanilla cupcakes! I stuffed them with white chocolate and frosting!
They might not look like a professional baker decorated them but they will be tasty!!!
They might not look like a professional baker decorated them but they will be tasty!!!
They might not look like a professional baker decorated them but they will be tasty!!!