
Review: The Punisher – Season 2 & On The Basis Of Sex

The Punisher – Season 2 – Rob’s Review: 

First of all, I couldn’t care less about all of the “ever-so-exciting Marvel Universe Easter Eggs,” that the internet is buzzing about in season 2 of “the Punisher,” on Netflix, so you’ll get none of that dorkiness here. Nor will you get any spoilers.

On the heels of the devastatingly awful most recent season of “Daredevil,” I went into Frank Castle’s return cautiously. That was Friday afternoon, and after a 3-day-weekend of finding the 13 hours needed to watch the whole season (mainly by sacrificing sleep), it was beyond obvious to me that “The Punisher,” was still enthralling, in fact, even more so. The first episode starts with a brief look into a future shoot out on a roadway and then fades back to what led to that event. For many, the next 40 minutes will drag. Those people are stupid. The establishment of why Frank is where he is and the character development into his soul and what will become his new “sidekick,” (A seemingly annoying-as-hell lying ass maybe teenage girl) are all necessary to the fantastically violent bar fight and subsequent road scenes. From there, we learn that Agent Madani and Billy are still very much part of the storyline and it all quickly comes together. Those who know the storyline already know where it leads, but shows like this are more about the presentation than the shock and awe factor and “The Punisher” doesn’t disappoint. Lose some sleep and treat yourself.





On The Basis Of Sex – Rob’s Review:

Here’s the Irony; if you check out “Rotten Tomatoes,” and similar sites, there are two reactions to this movie. Those who revere Ruth Bader Ginsburg as the liberal leader she is of the Supreme Court don’t like the movie because it isn’t political, it’s just factual. Those who hate Ruth Bader Ginsburg for being the lib-tard she is don’t like the movie because it’s too political. Let that idiocy sink in.

On the basis of sex tells the true story that follows young lawyer Ruth Bader Ginsburg as she teams with her husband Marty to bring a groundbreaking case before the U.S. Court of Appeals and overturn a century of gender discrimination. Throughout it, we’re reminded of the disgusting manner in which women were treated just 50 years ago in America, and we get a front row seat to RBG paving the way to change that (ironically, with a ton of help from her husband, without whom she never would have had the needed chances to get to where she lands).

Going into this movie, I assumed it was going to be laden with hero worship for Justice Ginsburg and her tenure on the Supreme Court as one of the most polarizing and extreme judges in history. There was none of that. Instead, Felicity Jones plays a young Ginsburg as she blazes a trail against enormous odds and, along the way, literally changes the country. Whatever you think of what she became later in life, this movie is an apolitical look at an amazing story that most people don’t know. Similar to how “Hidden Figures,” opened some peoples’ eyes to the unheralded role of African Americans in America’s exploration of space, this movie highlights what it was like to be a woman less than a lifetime ago and what it took to set in motion the changes that needed to occur. Sadly, in our divided nation of people who have picked sides, this movie is going unnoticed and unappreciated. As Trump would say “SAD.”



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