
Extremely Wicked, Shockingly Evil and Vile

Ummm well okay let me start with saying I was totally wrong about Zac Efron not being able to play Ted Bundy, he actually did a great job very believable the opposite of what I originally thought!!! The key to watching this is to remember that a lot of this movie is being shown from the perspective of his longtime girlfriend, played by Lily Collins who also did a fantastic job, and her love story with Ted Bundy.

Because of that, it can be hard to watch because of course for us he has always been a disgusting monster, but to her he wasn’t until he was. So to see him being good to her and her child and all that was freaking weird I caught myself numerous times being like okay okay we get it you had this love for him and here is everything you went thru, can we now get onto all the bad awfulness with him.

Which of course there is plenty of bad and awfulness about him that is portrayed but its mixed in with his relationship with his longtime girlfriend and some other woman named Carol who he had a daughter with who now lives in complete anonymity, do you blame her!!!

Yes this movie is bizarre and disturbing and you won’t like him being portrayed as this “nice guy” its creepy and like I have just said disturbing. So if you want to see this viewpoint in the story of Ted Bundy you may like it, I went back and forth in liking it so I gave it a sideways thumb…

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