My German Shepherds, Maestro and Nellie were once again recently in the hills between Reno and Sacramento at Dogwoods resort. Loyal listener Theresa is amazing with the pups and has been so thankful for all of the RAD listeners who have trusted her with their dogs! Dog Woods can be reached at 530-333-2117. Or check out their website, We wouldn’t trust our animals to anyone else and you shouldn’t either.
The show wasn’t the only thing on vacation last week…Maestro and Nellie spent some time at Dogwoods Resort!
Maestro asks, “what are you looking at?” (BTW, This is Theresa from Dogwoods’ favorite picture of Maestro so far)
No Seriously…WHAT are YOU looking at?
Dogwoods welcomes all dogs (properly vaccinated and not total turds, of course) but is also home to celebrity mutts. Usually Maestro and Nellie are the two biggest stars, but as you see here, the white dog that always beats up Wile E Coyote for stealing sheep was on hand last week
Maestro, still a puppy at 10 months old and now star struck immediately began auditioning hoping his new furry friend could get him a job in Hollywood. This his idea for a new show the CW called “Dog in Trees”
Or, here he is trying out to be the lead of Santa’s sleigh this Christmas
Maestro also thought maybe he could play the lead role in a new live action canine version of “The Enchanted Forest.”
And since this is show business, Maestro already knows they need a good butt shot
Meanwhile, Nellie is totally over the celebrity thing and is happy to just pee in the background while Maestro tries to get a part
Unfortunately in America 2017 nothing comes without a political angle and here is Nellie saying “What this WALL doing here? I’m not a Chihuahua!”
More politics…typical…the white dogs want nothing to do with the one that is “colored.” Disgusting
Once again Maestro asks “WHAT?”
We caught him thinking
And for the last time he asks “WHHHHHAAAAAATTTTT?”