
Memorial Day

Honor and Remember, two words not to be taken lightly. As this week goes by and Memorial Day 2022 is now the past may you remember and honor all our brave men and women who have sacrificed EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING.

They did this so we can still be free. We can still have a life lived as grand or simple as we want. So we can be as petty or self actualized as we want.

Whatever it is you are choosing to do with your life it would NOT BE POSSIBLE AT ALL WHAT SO EVER without the SACRIFICES that were made for your freedom.

The least we can do is remember and honor them all year round and not just on the day we kick off bbq season. But they fought for that too, they fought for your right to forget them.

How beautiful is that. How beautiful and lucky are we to have been born in the United States. God Bless America and God Bless all those who made the ultimate sacrifice for us.

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