Rob’s Soapbox

Everything We Missed

October 24, 2021

I was torn this week…on one hand, so many of you depend on RAD radio to stay informed; that responsibility […]

Your Team Sucks

October 17, 2021

It’s that glorious time of the year when all four major sports leagues are playing. With the NFL just 30% […]

Vaccinated Vegan Cross-Fitters

October 11, 2021

Vaccinated people are the worst. And I say this as a vaccinated person…any chance I can have the juice removed? […]

Everything Isn’t Covid

October 3, 2021

  To paraphrase Anne Hathaway’s character in “The Dark Knight Rises,” “There’s a storm coming…and you better batten down the […]

Labradors Are Enablers

September 26, 2021

In my first 44 years of life, I never understood people who loved Labrador Retrievers…for starters, they’re the basic bitch […]

Organized Happiness

September 12, 2021

I’m stealing from Queenie…shut up, it’s my birthday week.   Last week, as we talked about things like vacations, concerts, […]